Monday, May 26, 2014

MicroCenter Review

I purchased an Apple MacMini on May3rd 2014.  Since day 5 it has been intermittent and it crashes and it freezes.  I want to swap it for a replacement MacMini.

It is day 2 of my attempt to get MicroCenter ( Denver ) to be helpful.  So far... no joy

Twitter exchange
Micro Center
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What is an everyday task that you wish there was a piece of technology to help you perform? - 22 May


Gus S. Calabrese
@microcenter I want better customer service or shall I start to publicize my complaints ?… - 26 May


Micro Center
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@99guspuppet Gus, have you been able to take it into the store and speak with a manager?


@microcenter @99guspuppet    Imagine you are a customer ..... You really like MicroCenter ( mostly ).  You are in NW Denver and it takes over an hour round-trip travel time to visit MicroCenter.  You do NOT want to go to MicroCenter unless physical travel is actually required.  You would like things to be lined up ... arranged before you travel.


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